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Moving a cPanel acount from host to host

So, for this post, I am going to assume that you are having some trouble moving a cPanel account from one server to another. Usually, the problem is because certain hosting companies modify the cPanel installation and therefore once you create a backup – it doesn’t work.

This steps are going to reduce the time that you would waste trying to figure it out on your own.

Here we go:

1. The first thing that you want to do is create a backup of the entire cPanel account. This is usually a simple process with most hosting companies.

2. The second thing is to download that backup file locally.

3. Untar the backup of that account and locate the CP folder.

4. In the CP folder, you will find one file with the name of your account (the username). Open that up with your favorite text editor.

5. Now I would create a new account with the same username in the new server. This account I am going to have to delete shortly, but it will give me the details that I need to change in the cp/username file.

6. Once you created the new account in the new host, create the cpanel package by

/scripts/pkgaccount username

7. Now go ahead and download the tar file locally and untar it.

8. Once you open the cp/username file you’ll see the changes that you need to make on your older file.

9. Once you have finished with the changes, simply save and tar the old file this time name it with the convention: cpmove-username.tar.gz

10. Upload the tar file to your home directory.

11. Delete the account that you create in step 5.

12. Via WHM or via Terminal simply restore the package:

/scripts/restorepkg username

13. Wait a few minutes and you should be good to go.

Say: "Hola" to your new clients.

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