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Getting 403 Error when attempting to delete Elementor Submissions

Sometimes troubleshooting issues is fun, engaging and full of new questions. But some other times not so much. That is the case with troubleshooting submissions with Elementor.

So, what happened at some point was that I needed to increase security for a website. And in doing so I did a few steps that months later I would forget about altogether.

So this post is an attempt to help you “remember” if you did the same as me, increasing security and therefore disabling the ability of the software to do what is intended.

Let’s start with the problem and the solution.


I couldn’t get the Elementor Pro submissions to delete. I would get a 403 error. And the system would say something like: “Try again later.”


In this case, the solution wasn’t that straightforward but here it is. I had added a limit restriction on my DELETE requests to the account in my .htaccess file. I was limiting who could make the request by IP address.

What happened was that my ISP changed and my IP changed. So I wasn’t able to delete any more.

A few more words

I know that your situation may be slightly different. You are trying to troubleshoot and you can’t find the right answer. But the way I worked through the problem may help you also find your solution:

1. I knew that I was getting a 403 error – in other words problems with authentication.

2. I tried upgrading plugins, downgrading, disabling plugins, checking my theme files, functions.php, everything.

3. I then remembered maybe there is something even higher that is preventing the request – .htaccess or even PHP version.


Hope this helps somebody. Until next time!

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